Colloquia Schedule Spring 2012

Colloquia are on Tuesdays (unless otherwise indicated) at 3:30 pm in RLM 15.216B

Jan. 17

"Searching for Clues to the Black Hole-Galaxy Relationship Through Nearby AGN Surveys"


Lisa M. Winter

University of Colorado at Boulder

host: Shardha Jogee

Jan. 24

Tinsley Visiting Scholar (Stars Group)

"Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis in the Brightest Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars"


Amanda Karakas

Mt. Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, Australia

host: Harriet Dinerstein

Jan. 31

"Probing the Cosmic History of Star Formation in Galaxies with the Herschel Space Observatory and CCAT"


Jason Glenn

University of Colorado at Boulder

host: Shardha Jogee

Feb. 7

"New Observational Insights into Cosmic Reionization"


George Becker

University of Cambridge, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, UK

host: Milos Milosavljevic

Feb. 9

"Early Star Forming Galaxies and Reionization"


Daniel Stark

Steward Observatory, Arizona

hosts: Sally Dodson-Robinson & Shardha Jogee

Feb. 14

"Fueling Cosmic Star Formation: The Molecular Gas Mass Density of the Universe"


Dominik Riechers

California Institute of Technology

hosts: Shardha Jogee & Milos Milosavljevic

Feb. 21

"Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Prospects for Comparative Exoplanetology"


Beth Biller

Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany

host: Anita Cochran

Feb. 23

"Understanding Galaxy Evolution in the Early Universe"


Steven Finkelstein

University of Texas at Austin

host: Shardha Jogee

Feb. 28

"Giant Planets Caught at Formation"

Young and directly-imaged exoplanets offer critical tests of planet-formation models that can't be matched by RV and transit surveys of mature stars. However, these targets have been extremely elusive to date, with no exoplanets younger than ~10-20 Myr and only a handful of directly-imaged planets at all ages.

I am leading a team that exploits a new observing technique (nonredundant aperture mask interferometry) to achieve high-contrast observations at the diffraction limit of large telescopes, extending direct-imaging planet searches outward to the nearest star-forming regions. We recently reported the discovery of LkCa15 b, which is located inside of the known gap in LkCa15's protoplanetary disk and is surrounded by spatially resolved clouds of gas and dust; these features imply that LkCa15 b has been caught at formation. I will describe our newest observations of the LkCa15 system, the status of our survey program, and the prospects for future searches.

I also have been studying the growing population of planetary-mass companions (M=5-20 MJup) in very wide orbits (a=100-1000 AU) around young stars, which pose a significant challenge to models of both binary and planet formation. I have calculated the first measurements of their frequency and mass function, and I am pursuing several followup programs to ascertain their detailed properties and search for circum(planetary?) disks. In light of these new results, I will discuss our ability to explain these systems as either "planets" or "binaries".


Adam L. Kraus

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy

host: Chris Sneden

Mar. 1

"The Dark Art of Detecting and Characterizing Planets by Direct Imaging"


Thayne Currie

NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center

host: Chris Sneden

Mar. 6

"Molecular spectroscopy of planet-forming regions: A quest to understand the diversity of planets and planetary systems"


Colette Salyk

National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO)

host: Sally Dodson-Robinson

Mar. 13

Spring Break: 12 - 16 March. No Colloquium scheduled.

Mar. 20

No talk scheduled.

Mar 27

"Dark Matter Properties from the Faintest Galaxies"


Louis Strigari

Stanford University / Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology

host: Karl Gebhardt

Apr. 3
RLM 15.216B
3:30 PM

Antoinette de Vaucouleurs Medalist and Lecturer

"The Carnegie Supernova and Hubble Constant Projects"


Wendy Freedman

Director, Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science

host: Dan Jaffe

Apr. 4
ETC 2.136
4:30 PM

Antoinette de Vaucouleurs Medalist and Lecturer (visiting: 4/2-4/8)

Public Talk: "A Journey of Discovery: Our Expanding Universe"


Wendy Freedman

Director, Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science

host: Dan Jaffe

Apr. 10

"The ABCs of Low-Mass Stars"


Andrew West

Boston University

host: TBD

Apr. 17

"The History of Massive Galaxy Formation as a Cosmological Tool"


Christopher J. Conselice

University of Nottingham, UK

host: Shardha Jogee

Apr. 24

"Black Holes and Neutron Stars in the Local Universe"


Krzysztof Belczynski

University of Warsaw and University of Texas, Brownsville

host: Milos Milosavljevic

Apr. 25

Tinsley Visiting Professor (visiting: 4/23-5/17)

"The First Billion Years of our Universe"


Andrea Ferrara

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

host: Volker Bromm

May 1

Texas Cosmology Center Distinguished Visitor

"Constraining Cosmology through the Growth of Structure: New Results from the South Pole Telescope"


John Carlstrom

University of Chicago

host: Eiichiro Komatsu

June 18
10 AM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Dark Matter Halos and Stellar Kinematics of Elliptical Galaxies"


Jeremy Murphy

University of Texas at Austin

July 24
1 PM

PhD Defense Presentation

"An Experiment in Integrated, Guided-Inquiry Science Classes and Implications for Teaching Astronomy"


Randi Ludwig

University of Texas at Austin

Aug 21
2 PM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Tests of the Episodic Mass Accretion Model for Low-Mass Star Formation"


Hyo Jeong Kim

University of Texas at Austin

Visitors to the Department of Astronomy can find detailed information and maps on our Visiting Austin Page.

Please report omissions/corrections to: G. Orris at


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