Gallery: Explore UT 2015

The Astronomy Student Association provided an army of volunteers for Explore UT activities last weekend. In partnership with the College of Natural Sciences and generous support from the Board of Visitors, we were able to bring the Austin Mobile Planetarium to campus for the 3rd year in a row. An estimated 1200 Texas school children were able to enjoy a planetarium show, and once again our colorful aliens could be seen walking in every direction across campus.

On the roof of RLM, ASA members provided globes, telescopes and other hands-on demos while Lara Eakins hosted the 16" telescope. As an exciting new addition to the rooftop activities this year, Judit Ries shared some of her NASA Heliophysics ambassador training by hosting a new activity called "Solar UV - the good and the bad." This activity used experiments with UV beads to teach us about UV rays, and how to shield ourselves from them.

Thanks to all of our students who spent their Saturday sharing a love of astronomy with the public-- especially Alex Robles for being captain on the roof, and Rebecca Larson for leading the volunteer team at the planetarium.

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Explore UT


ASA - McD Obs

Explore UT

CNS Family Day


ASA - McD Obs

Explore UT

CNS Family Day


ASA - McD Obs

Explore UT

Graduation Ceremony

Research Symposium

CNS Family Day




Fern Bluff Elementary Outreach

Explore UT

CNS Family Day


CNS Family Day


CNS Undergraduate Research Forum