Colloquia and PhD Talks Schedule Summer 2014


May 12
3 PM

Qualifying Exam/2nd Year Defense

"Outflows and Chemical Enrichment from Clustered Supernovae in the First Galaxies"


Jeremy Ritter

University of Texas at Austin

Qualifying Exam Committee Meeting follows at 4 PM in RLM 15.216A

May 13
2 PM

Qualifying Exam/2nd Year Defense

"The Lyman-alpha Signature of the First Galaxies"


Aaron Smith

University of Texas at Austin

Qualifying Exam Committee Meeting follows at 3 PM in RLM 15.216A

May 14
2 PM

Qualifying Exam/2nd Year Defense

"Formation of Massive Star Clusters - an Application of Monte Carlo Radiation Hydrodynamics"


Tsz Ho (Benny) Tsang

University of Texas at Austin

Qualifying Exam Committee Meeting follows at 3 PM in RLM 15.202A

May 22
3:30 PM

Special Seminar

"Fragmentation in Primordial Gas: Improving H2 Cooling and Self-Shielding"


Tilman Hartwig

University of Heidelberg, Germany

(host: Volker Bromm)

June 10
3 PM

Special Visiting Speaker Presentation (visiting: 7-14 June 2014)

"Pre-supernova Convection in Massive Stars"

The interior of a massive star in the final years prior to core-collapse supernova is in a state of violent unrest. Vigorous convective shell burning of silicon, oxygen and carbon drives large scale plume motions that can interact with each other and significantly alter the structure of the progenitor star. Under such conditions the star departs from perfect hydrostatic equilibrium and spherical symmetry and may experience dynamical pulses that, in some cases, can lead to episodic mass-loss. I will present preliminary results from multidimensional simulations of convection in massive stars in the few seconds to hours preceding the supernova explosion. The proper, dynamical multidimensional treatment of convection will be bench-marked against parametrized one-dimensional mixing length theory predictions and the implications for realistic core-collapse supernova progenitor models will be discussed. I will also present a new method to characterize pre-supernova convection, the method of Vector Spherical Harmonics decomposition, and discuss how it can be used to make realizations of core-collapse models in future simulations.


Manos Chatzopoulos

University of Chicago

host: Crag Wheeler

July 10
11 AM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Creating and Measuring White Dwarf Photospheres in a Terrestrial Laboratory"


Ross Falcon

University of Texas at Austin

PhD Committee Meeting follows at 12 Noon in RLM 15.216A

July 10
3 PM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Study of Galactic Clumps with Millimeter/Submillimeter Continuum and Molecular Emission: Early Stages of Massive Star Formation"


Manuel Merello

University of Texas at Austin

PhD Committee Meeting follows at 4 PM in RLM 15.216A

July 11
11 AM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Simulating the Formation, Properties, and Impact of Stellar Systems in the First Galaxies"


Chalence Safranek-Shrader

University of Texas at Austin

PhD Committee Meeting follows at 12 Noon in RLM 15.216A

Aug 8
2 PM

Special Presentation

"The Violent Early Lives of Stars and Planets"


Joel Green

University of Texas at Austin

Aug 11
11 AM

PhD Defense Presentation

"The Chemical Abundances of Stars in the Halo"

Julie Hollek

University of Texas at Austin

PhD Committee Meeting follows at 12 Noon in RLM 15.202A

Aug 14
2 PM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Radiation Hydrodynamics and Simulations of Astrophysical Phenomena"

Chris Lindner

University of Texas at Austin

PhD Committee Meeting follows at 4 PM in RLM 15.202A

Visitors to the Department of Astronomy can find detailed information and maps on our Visiting Austin Page.

Please report omissions/corrections to: G. Orris at


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