Colloquia Schedule Spring 2014

Colloquia are on Tuesdays (unless otherwise indicated) at 3:30 pm in RLM 15.216B

Jan. 14

No talk scheduled.


Jan. 21

"The Connection between Star Formation and the Cold Interstellar Medium in Nearby Galaxies"


Karin Sandstrom

University of Arizona

host: Shardha Jogee

Jan. 28

"The Unusual Eclipser of the Young Star J1407: Moon-forming Circumplanetary Disk?"


Eric Mamajek

University of Rochester

host: TBA

Feb. 4

"A Calibration of the Stellar-mass Fundamental Plane at z = 0.4 using the Micro-lensing Induced Flux Ratio Anomalies of Macro-lensed Quasars"


Paul L. Schechter

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

host: Pawan Kumar

Feb. 11

Tinsley Visiting Scholar, Interstellar Matter Group

"Volatiles in Protoplanetary Disks"


Klaus Pontoppidan

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

host: Neal Evans

Feb. 18

DeVaucouleurs Medalist: COLLOQUIUM

"Connecting Gas to Stars in Galaxies"


Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr.

University of Cambridge, UK

host: Neal Evans

Feb. 19
CPE 2.208
4:00 PM

DeVaucouleurs Medalist: PUBLIC LECTURE

"The Hidden Universe Revealed"


Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr.

University of Cambridge, UK

host: Neal Evans

Feb. 25

"The Seeds of Massive Galaxies"


Sadegh Khochfar

University of Edinburgh

host: Shardha Jogee

Mar. 4

"Our Galactic Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*: The Ideal Testbed for Theories of Accretion and Black Hole Life Cycles"


Sera Markoff

University of Amsterdam

host: Pawan Kumar

Mar. 11

Spring Break: 10-14 March: No talk scheduled.

Mar. 18

"Rest-frame Optical Spectra: A Window into Galaxy Formation at z~2"


Alice E. Shapley

University of California, Los Angeles

host: Steve Finkelstein

Mar. 25

Tinsley Visiting Scholar, Stars Group

"Hunting the First Generations of Stars and Galaxies"


Anna Frebel

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

host: Fritz Benedict

Apr. 1

"Shadows of Their Future Selves: Accretion and Obscuration in Young Stellar Objects"


Kevin R. Covey

Lowell Observatory

host: Adam Kraus

Apr. 8

"Head in the Clouds: Decoding the Spectral Features Produced by Brown Dwarf and Exoplanent Atmospheres"


Kelle Cruz

Hunter College/AMNH

host: Adam Kraus

Apr. 15
1 PM

PhD Defense Presentation

"Measuring Dark Matter Profiles Non-Parametrically in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies"


John Jardel

University of Texas at Austin

Apr. 15

"Hunting the First Galaxies with Gravitational Lensing"


Dan A. Coe

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

host: Steve Finkelstein

Apr. 22

Tinsley Visiting Professor

"Adventures in Cosmic Star Formation"


Mark E. Dickinson

National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO)

host: TBA

Apr. 23
3 PM

Tinsley Visiting Scholar, Exgal Group

"MaNGA: Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory An IFU Survey of 10,000 Galaxies"


Kevin A. Bundy

University of Tokyo, IPMU

host: Niv Drory

Apr. 25
2 PM

Tinsley Visiting Scholar, Planets Group

"Extrasolar Planets with Small Telescopes"


Gaspar Bakos

Princeton University

host: Mike Endl

Apr. 29

No talk scheduled.


May 6

"Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Spectral Lines in Plasmas: Advanced Theories, Benchmark Experiments, Astrophysical Applications"


Eugene Oks

Auburn University

host: Don Winget

Visitors to the Department of Astronomy can find detailed information and maps on our Visiting Austin Page.

Please report omissions/corrections to: G. Orris at


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