Colloquia Schedule Spring 2013

Colloquia are on Tuesdays (unless otherwise indicated) at 3:30 pm in RLM 15.216B

Jan 18
2 PM

"Probing the Physics of the Dark Universe with Galaxies"


Risa H. Wechsler

Stanford University

hosts: Shardha Jogee (Astronomy) & Linda Reichl (Physics)

Jan 22

"From Building Blocks to Large Galaxies: Towards Understanding the Formation of the Milky Way"


Anna Frebel

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

host: Volker Bromm

Jan 29

"High-redshift, Gravitationally Lensed Starburst Galaxies Revealed by the South Pole Telescope and ALMA"


Joaquin D. Vieira

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

host: Neal Evans

Feb 5

"The Death of Massive Stars"


Christian D. Ott

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

host: Milos Milosavljevic

Feb 12

Tinsley Scholar

"Asteroseismology with the Kepler Mission"


Gerald Handler

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw

hosts: Fritz Benedict, and Stars Research Group

Feb 19

"Three-Dimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae"


Sean Couch

University of Chicago

host: Milos Milosavljevic & Craig Wheeler

Feb 26

"The Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE)"


Jack O. Burns

University of Colorado, Boulder

host: Craig Wheeler

Mar 5

"Feedback in Faint Galaxies During the Peak Epoch of Star Formation"


Dawn Erb

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

host: Steve Finkelstein

Mar 12

Spring Break: no talks or classes scheduled this week (March 11-15).

Mar 19

Tinsley Scholar

"Reionization History and Physical Processes Indicated from the Census of Galaxies at z~>7"


Masami Ouchi

University of Tokyo, ICRR

hosts: Roderik Overzier & UT Astronomy Galaxies Research Group

Mar 26

"Dark Matter in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies"


Anatoly Klypin

New Mexico State University

host: John Kormendy

Apr 1
3:00 pm

PhD Defense Presentation

"Theoretical Studies of Superluminous Supernovae"

The past decade Texas astronomers discovered the brightest supernovae ever observed, the so called Superluminous Supernovae. Significant progress has been made ever since in understanding the nature and origin of these exceptional manifestations of violent stellar death. I will summarize the theoretical advances we have done here in UT Astronomy in understanding the nature of these events and their explosion mechanisms. These advances involved the development of analytical models that fit the light evolution from these events as well as sophisticated numerical simulations performed in the Texas Advanced Computing Center Ranger and Stampede supercomputers.


Emmanouil "Manos" Chatzopoulos

University of Texas at Austin

Apr 2

"Galaxy Star Formation Efficiency from z = 0 to z = 8"


Peter Behroozi

Stanford University

host: Shardha Jogee

Apr 9

"Bayesian Success Stories in Astronomy"


James Scott

University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business

host: Daniel Jaffe

Apr 16

"New Clues on the Origin of the Astrophysical r-Process"


Richard Boyd

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/National Ignition Facility

host: Chris Sneden

Apr 19

PhD Defense Presentation

"Metallicities of Anomalous-Velocity Gas in the Vicinity of the Milky Way"


John Barentine

University of Texas at Austin

Apr 23

"The WISP Survey: Overview of Recent Results for Galaxies in the 1 < z < 2 Redshift Range"


Claudia Scarlata

University of Minnesota

host: Steve Finkelstein

Apr 30

Tinsley Scholar

"YSOVAR: Mid-Infrared Variations in Young Stars"


Luisa M. Rebull

California Institute of Technology

host: Joel Green & UT Astronomy Interstellar Research Group

May 7

"Repeating Novae and the Origin of SN Ia Events"


George Wallerstein

University of Washington

host: Harriet Dinerstein

Visitors to the Department of Astronomy can find detailed information and maps on our Visiting Austin Page.

Please report omissions/corrections to: G. Orris at


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