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Astronomy 309R - Spring 2006
TTh 12:30-2:00 · WEL 3.502 · Unique No. 48170


Eiichiro Komatsu

Course Website

hubble deep field


Beth Fernandez

Syllabus for printing - pdf

Course Objectives
This course provides an overview of the basic physical picture as well as historical accounts of classic and modern cosmology. Cosmology has been one of the central interest of human beings. Ancient people had a very different picture of the universe than we have now. Since then, our picture of the universe has evolved tremendously as our understanding of physics has advanced, while at early times religious reasons were also necessary to develop cosmological models. Recently, cosmology has entered a new era with precision observations, which revealed new cosmological puzzles that will probably lead us to discover new physics. The lecture will cover cosmological models, expansion of the universe, redshifts, the early universe, cosmic inflation, dark matter and energy, special and general relativity, as well as stars, galaxies, quasars and black holes.

AST301, 302, or 303, or an equivalent descriptive introduction to astronomy of one semester or more.

Cosmology, 2nd edition
Author: Edward Harrison
Cambridge University Press

  • Class meets at WEL 3.502 on TTh 12:30-2pm.
  • There will be 6 exams, all of which consist of multiple choices. (See the course schedule for the dates of exams.) The penalty for cheating on an exam is a score of zero for the exam, and the zero will be included to calculate the final grade.

  • There will be make-up examinations ONLY for students with valid excuses. Reasons for absence must be presented in advance of examination. No make-up exams will be arranged for those who did not notify the lecturer about their absence in advance.

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17 January 2006
Astronomy Program · The University of Texas at Austin · Austin, Texas 78712
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