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department of astronomy
mcdonald observatory
hobby-eberly telescope
university of texas
AST 351 · Astronomical Instrumentation    1   2   3   4  

Getting Help

(a) Your Segment or project group: You are all working together, so split up the learning task in a way that makes sense to you and then teach each other what you know.

(b) Your classmates: Many of you come into this with a great deal of knowledge and talent. Make it your business to find out which of your classmates is already an expert in something and tap into that expertise.

(c) The Prof and TA: Each of us will spend time in the laboratory outside of class time, randomizing our hours to try to cover all the times used by groups and teams. If you need to meet with us, have a member of your group arrange a time for one of us to be here when your group or team is. Personal problems of individual students can be handled in my office, by arrangement.

(d) Other experts: One advantage in being in a place where a lot of building is going on is that somebody usually knows the answer to your question. We will be calling on some of the local experts to share their expertise in certain areas and to serve on the design reviews for your projects. Sometimes, these folks can be helpful before you get to that stage by getting you started on something, giving you a reference, or telling you your idea won't work. These folks can be found on the 15th to 17th floors of RLM. Here is a partial list.

Optics: Phillip MacQueen, Gary Hill, John Lacy, Marsha Wolf, Povilas Palunas.

Electronics: Phillip MacQueen, Joe Tufts.

Computer Interfacing: Bill Spiesman, Chris Wilkinson.

Mechanical Design: John Booth, Gordon Wesley, George Barczak, Jimmy Wellborn.

(f) (Heaven Forbid!) A book. There are tons of books out there. Some of them are even helpful. Also, check out parts catalogs. They often have little tutorials in them. The parts themselves sometimes give you ideas. Individual segments will contain some specific references to relevant reading material.

Evaluation of Your Performance

We intend your grade in this course to reflect the amount of skill you acquire and the strength of your contribution to the efforts of your group to learn the material and your team to build the instrument. Items we will include in setting your grade are:
(1) Attendance (including coming on time) (~15%)
(2) Individual problem sets and group segment reports (~25%)
(3) The completeness, thoughtfulness and insight displayed in your evaluations of the segments and the project (~10%)
(4) Your writeup of the instrument for the preliminary review (~10%)
(5) Your performance and that of your team at the preliminary review (~5%)
(6) The level of mastery you display when you (individually and as a team) exhibit and demonstrate your instrument at the end of the course (~35%).
To carry out this last point, during the last week of class, your team will demonstrate your instrument. Each of you will have a private discussion with the prof. and TA in which you explain the workings of the various elements of your system. Your evaluation on item (6) will depend equally on how well your team did on the project, and on how well you did yourself.

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19 January 2005
Astronomy Program · The University of Texas at Austin · Austin, Texas 78712
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