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Astronomy 309R - Fall 2005
TTh 9:30-11:00 · WEL 3.502 · Unique No. 48375


Gregory Shields

Office: RLM 15.224
Hours: TuTh 10-11, W 3-4, or by appt
Phone: (512) 471-1402

abell 1689


Sarah Salviander

Course Description

How did the universe begin? How did the fiery gases of the Big Bang collect into "island universes" like our own Milky Way, even as the universe as a whole was expanding into the frigid emptiness of today? What processes led to the formation of stars, planets, and life? Where do we go from here?

This course presents modern observations and theories of the structure and evolution of the universe. Topics emphasized include the evidence for the Big Bang, the formation of galaxies, and the nature of quasars. We trace the evolution of the universe from the first moment through the creation of the primeval fireball radiation and the birth and evolution of galaxies. We examine the rich variety of observations of quasars and the evidence for giant black holes. Recent advances will be covered, including black holes in galaxies, the accelerating universe, and the microwave background radiation.

Mathematics will include high school algebra but no calculus.

Prerequisite.  AST 301, 302, or 303, or an equivalent descriptive introduction to astronomy of one semester or more.

Grading.  The course grade will be based on three one-hour exams in class, and homework. Exams will be closed book and will involve both multiple choice and essay questions. Exams will cover lectures, assigned reading, and homework. Make-up tests will not be given except for a compelling reason presented in advance or in case of illness. Exam weights and tentative dates are:

First exam
Thursday, October 6
Second exam
Thursday, November 10
Third exam
Thursday, December 8

Homework will count 25%, based on grading of selected problems from homework sets.

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15 August 2005
Astronomy Program · The University of Texas at Austin · Austin, Texas 78712
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