Colloquia Schedule Spring 2011

Colloquia are on Tuesdays (unless otherwise indicated) at 3:30 pm in RLM 15.216B

Jan. 18

Dust in the Early Universe

In the last few years mm and submm observations of high redshift quasars and galaxies have provided a powerful way of probing the very existence and properties of dust within 1 Gyr of the Big Bang. It is generally believed that at these cosmic times dust could have only condensed in the explosive ejecta of supernovae since intermediate-to-low mass stars did not have time to evolve off the main sequence into the dust-condensation stage. To account for the dust masses observed at z > 6, about 1 Msun of dust per supernova needs to be produced, in agreement with the condensation efficiencies predicted by supernova dust nucleation models. However, the largest dust masses measured so far in supernova ejecta are about two orders of magnitude smaller. Conversely, indications for supernova dust beyond z ~ 6 have recently come from observations of dust reddening of the host galaxies of a z = 6.2 quasars and z = 6.3 gamma-ray burst.

In this talk, we will review the recent advancements made in this controversial subject. We will present the results of recent models for dust production in supernova ejecta and intermediate mass stars and its subsequent evolution in the interstellar medium of high redshift galaxies. We will also discuss the implications of an early epoch of dust formation for the cosmic transition between Population III and Population II stars.


Raffaella Schneider

INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma

host: Volker Bromm

Jan. 25

Magnetic Relaxation in ICM Bubbles and the Magnetic Flux Problem in Star Formation


Jonathan Braithwaite

University of Bonn (TCC Tinsley Scholar)

host: Craig Wheeler

Feb. 1

Reading the Record of Ancient Impacts


Peter Goldreich

California Institute of Technology

host: Pawan Kumar

Feb. 8

Star Formation in Galaxy Clusters Over the Past 10 Billion Years


Kim-Vy Tran

Texas A&M University and University of Zurich

host: Neal Evans

Feb. 11-12

McDonald Observatory Board of Visitors Meeting (Austin)

Feb. 12
1-2 PM
ACE 2.302

19th Annual Great Lecture in Astronomy

Exploring Newly Discovered Worlds with the Giant Magellan Telescope


Daniel Jaffe

University of Texas at Austin

Feb. 15

Is Inhomogeneity Important in Cosmology?


George F. R. Ellis

University of Cape Town

host: Tanja Rindler-Daller

Feb. 16
3:15 PM

Exploration of the Circum-Galactic Medium at High Redshifts


Charles Steidel

California Institute of Technology (Tinsley Visiting Professor)

host: Karl Gebhardt

Feb. 22

Clarifying our View of Star Formation in Extreme Environments with Adaptive Optics


Jessica Lu

California Institute of Technology

host: Jenny Greene

Mar. 1

DeVaucouleurs Medalist

Chemical Abundances in the Oldest Galactic Stars: Globular Clusters vs. the Halo Field


Robert Kraft


host: Chris Sneden

Mar. 8

DEEP2 and Beyond: Studying Galaxy Evolution and Large-Scale Structure with Deep Surveys


Jeffrey A. Newman

University of Pittsburgh (TCC Visiting Speaker)

host: Eiichiro Komatsu

Mar. 15

Spring Break: 14-18 March: No talk scheduled

Mar. 22

Diverse Energy Sources for Supernovae


Lars Bildsten

UCSB/Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (Tinsley Visiting Professor)

host: Donald Winget

Mar. 24
Public Talk
RLM 4.102
7:00 PM

Exploding Stars!


Lars Bildsten

UCSB/Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (Tinsley Visiting Professor)

host: Donald Winget

Mar. 29

Recent Advances in our Understanding of Enigmatic Gamma-ray Bursts


Pawan Kumar

University of Texas at Austin

host: TBD

Apr. 5

Physical Properties of Kepler's Small Exoplanets


Dimitar D. Sasselov

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

host: Jenny Greene

Apr. 12

The Physical Properties of Lyman-alpha Emitters from z=2 to 3


Caryl Gronwall

Pennsylvania State University

host: Karl Gebhardt

Apr. 19

Thermal Tides: An Explanation for the Inflated Radii of the Hot Jupiters


Aristotle Socrates

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

host: Jenny Greene

Apr. 26

Magnetic Reconnection and the Evolution of Large Scale Magnetic Fields


Ethan Vishniac

McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

host: Craig Wheeler

May 3

Title: TBA

Speaker: TBD

Affiliation: TBD

host: TBD

Visitors to the Department of Astronomy can find detailed information and maps on our Visiting Austin Page.

Please report omissions/corrections to: G. Orris at


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