
Coronet (NASA/Chandra)

TTh 9:30 - 11:00 · RLM 15.216B · Unique No. 48495


Harriet Dinerstein

RLM 16.324 · (512) 471-3449 · email

Courses - Spr '09  |  Course Website

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Classroom Behavior: I expect you to be attentive in class and to be respectful of your instructor and classmates. The classroom is not the place for non-class-related social interactions or cell phone conversations. Please turn off the volume on your cell phone before the beginning of class. First time violators will be merely grimaced at, but subsequent cell-phone disruptions will adversely affect your participation grade. In addition, although some instructors allow students to use laptops in class, it will not be allowed in Ast 307, as it is distracting to the instructor and fellow students. (There is also an issue of crowding, since RLM 15.216B is a fairly small room for this class.)

Scholastic Integrity/Academic Dishonesty: The University of Texas at Austin has recently adopted an honor code, but the code does not spell out expectations for student conduct in any detail. More detail and other useful information can be found on the web pages of the Dean of Students, at the link for Student Judicial Services:; see especially the links called "The Standard of Academic Integrity" and "Scholastic Dishonesty." The College of Natural Sciences takes these rules seriously. We will not tolerate copying or cheating on exams, homeworks, or other classwork. If we find duplicated work or evidence for cheating, neither student will receive credit. We may also impose more severe academic penalties, depending on the circumstances, not excluding an F for the course, or a report of academic dishonesty to the Dean of Students.

GETTING HELP: The Instructor and T.A. will hold office hours each week. Please try to bring your questions to us at these announced times, if possible, since we both have other responsibilities in addition to our Ast 307 duties, and may not necessarily be available at other times of the week. However, if you cannot attend any of our regular office hours, please contact us and we will try to find an alternate appointment time. The T.A. will hold help sessions shortly before homework is due, and before each exam. You can also contact us with questions by email. However, if you have a question, please check the class website first, to see whether the answer is already posted. We will be posting frequent announcements, updates, and other information. (I do not encourage students to set up or participate in chat groups to discuss homework. Doing this has the potential of spreading misinformation; and giving answers to problems to other students is considered scholastic dishonesty.)

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