TTh 9:30-11 · RLM 15.216B · Unique No. 47755

dark matter

MACS J0025.4-122 (Chandra/NASA)


Eiichiro Komatsu

Courses - Fall '10  |  Course Website

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Printable syllabus (pdf)

Prof. Eiichiro Komatsu

Teaching Assistant
Chi-Ting Chiang


This course will provide the basic physical principles of modern cosmology. The lectures will cover the expansion of the universe, kinematical and thermodynamical evolution of the universe, the Big Bang model, the origin of light elements, the cosmic microwave background, theory of cosmological fluctuations, formation of large-scale structure, cosmic inflation, the origin of cosmological fluctuations, dark matter and dark energy, and observational cosmology. Since some topics require knowledge of special and general relativity, introduction to special and general relativity needed for cosmology will be provided when it is necessary.


This course is intended for science majors. Knowledge of general physics and calculus will be required.


No required text book - lecture notes will be provided.


  • Class meets at RLM 15.216B (Large Classroom) on TTh 9:30–11:00

  • Help sessions will be scheduled for help with the homework. See "Course Schedule" for the dates. (They will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays.)

    • Location: RLM 15.216A (Edmonds Lounge) and 15.202A (Evans Conference Room); Time: 5–6pm

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