The First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges for the Next Decade

Mar 8-11, 2010
Austin, TX

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Daniel Whalen




Title: A Physical Model for High Redshift Lyman Alpha Emitters

Author(s): Julian Esteban Mejia Restrepo

Abstract: We propose a theoretical model to reproduce observational properties for Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs) at different redshifts (z~3.1, 4.5, 5.7). The objective is to reproduce abundance and clustering which have been measured under observations so far. To this end we used the results of a large N-body simulation with high resolution. This model assigns an LAE to a dark matter halo (DMH) of the simulation in a given mass interval. Then, the parameters of the model are the minimal mass and maximal mass of DMH in this interval. Both parameters are fitted by fixing the minimal mass an assigning LAEs to DMH in ascendant order of mass until the observed mean density of LAEs is reproduced, the mass of the last DMH being the maximal mass in the interval. This model lets us find a typical range of mass where DMH, which host LAEs, may live even though there is still a large uncertainty due to cosmic variance, which has also been estimated in this work. As a consequence, a larger spatial volume must be surveyed in order to have more precise results. However, there are projects, like HETDEX, which are surveying LAEs in a large enough volume of space that will definitely reduce cosmic variance and will also let us constrain the dark-energy equation of state, as just one application of the model shown here.


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Conference proceedings (pdf)