mars covered glacial deposits middle latitudes


Joel Green


McDonald Observatory/Department of Astronomy

Joel Green is a Postdoctoral Researcher working with Professor Neal Evans at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his B.S. degree in astrophysics from Cornell University, and his Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Rochester. He began his postdoctoral career at the University of Texas in 2008. He has spent the bulk of his time studying young stellar objects and protostars in the mid-infrared utilizing the final NASA Great Observatory, the Spitzer Space Telescope. He is a member of the Spitzer-IRS Guaranteed Time Instument Team, IRS_Disks, with whom he has examined the explosive FU Orionis phenomenon, as well as disk mineralogy, ices, and most recently bipolar outflows launched by massive protostars. He has continued to work with space telescopes, but has moved to the far-infrared as the postdoc dedicated to the Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel Key Project. This project on the newly launched Herschel Space Observatory will expand upon the work of Spitzer, and will further the current understanding of the composition and structure of the cold outer regions of circumstellar disks, as well as the structure of infalling envelopes. Green will work to understand the structure of water ice in the embedded sources, as well as the global properties of disks in the far-infrared.