the pelican nebula

Orion Molecular Cloud [UKIRT/IRAM/Spitzer]

Astronomy 393S - Spring 2015

Seminar in Interstellar Matter

F 2:00 · RLM 15.216B · 47470


John Scalo

RLM 15.318 · (512) 471-6446 · email






Jan 23

Rory Barnes

University of Washington

(Tinsley Visiting Scholar: Planetary Group) "Long-Lived Chaotic Orbital Evolution of Exoplanets in Mean Motion Resonances with Mutual Inclinations"



Jan 30

John Scalo

University of Texas at Austin

Organizational Meeting.


Feb 6

No talk scheduled.


Feb 13

Monika Adamow

University of Texas at Austin

"Planets Around Giant Stars"



Feb 20

Adam Kraus

University of Texas at Austin

"The Impact of Stellar Multiplicity on Planetary Systems"


Feb 27

Trent Dupuy

University of Texas at Austin

"Substellar Fundamentals: New Dynamical Masses for Ultracool Dwarfs"


Mar 6

No talk scheduled.


Mar 13

No talk scheduled.


Mar 20

No talk scheduled. Spring Break: March 16-20.


Mar 27

Marshall C. Johnson

University of Texas at Austin

"Adventures in Doppler Tomography: Planet Validation, Nodal Precession, and Differential Rotation"


Apr 3

John Scalo

University of Texas at Austin

"Systematics of Molecular Cloud Linewidths over Three Orders of Magnitude in Linear Scale"


Apr 10

Neal Evans

University of Texas at Austin

"ALMA Observations of B335"


Apr 17

Andrew Helton


"SOFIA Science and Capabilities"


Apr 24

1) Benjamin T. Kidder

2) Raquel Martinez

University of Texas at Austin

1) "Angular Momentum Evolution of Young, Low-mass Stars"

2) "High-accuracy Spitzer/IRAC Subarray Photometry of Potential Warm Debris Disk Sources Discovered by WISE"


May 1

Yao-Lun Yang

University of Texas at Austin

2nd-Year Defense/Qualifying Exam Presentation: "The Structure of Class 0 Protostars: BHR71 in Herschel View"



May 8

Emma Yu

University of Texas at Austin

"Using Multiple CO Isotopologues to Constrain the Vertical Turbulence Structure in Protoplanetary Disks"