disk assembly

Assembly of the inner and outer gas disks in simulation

Astronomy 381S - Spring 2012

Seminar in Theoretical Astrophysics

M 3:30 · RLM 15.216B · Not for credit in Spring 2112


Milos Milosavljevic

RLM 17.220 · (512) 471-3397 · email





Jan 16

No talk Scheduled. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday: University Closed.

Jan 23

Milos Milosavljevic

University of Texas at Austin

Organizational meeting.

Jan 30

No talk scheduled.

Feb 6

No talk scheduled.

Feb 13

Jonathan Ganc

University of Texas at Austin

"Exploring the Signatures of Single-field Inflation with an Excited Initial State"

Feb 20

Daniel Kagan

University of Texas at Austin

"Simulations of Particle Acceleration in Guide-field Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection"

Feb 27

Tanja Rindler-Daller

University of Texas at Austin

"String Axions and other Bosons: New Prospects for Astronomical Constraints on Ultra-Light Particle Dark Matter"

Mar 5

Jacob Hummel

University of Texas at Austin

"The Hunt for the First Supernovae: Source Density and Observability of Pair Instability Supernovae from the First Stars"

Mar 5

Chalence Safranek-Shrader

University of Texas at Austin

"Metal-Free Star Formation in the First Galaxies: the Lyman-Werner Delayed Collapse"

Mar 12

Spring Break: March 12-16. No talk scheduled.

Mar 19

No talk scheduled.

Mar 26

Alexander "Sasha" Kashlinsky

NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center

TCC Visiting Speaker: "Measuring the Large-Scale Flow of X-ray Luminous Clusters from WMAP Data" (host: Volker Bromm)

Apr 2

Inh Jee

University of Texas at Austin

"Measuring BAO using 2 point correlation function in HETDEX survey"

Apr 2

Brian Mulligan

University of Texas at Austin

"Black Hole Oscillations & Quantum Gravity"

Apr 9

Chris Lindner

University of Texas at Austin

Journal Club: "3D Radiative Transfer Calculations of Radiation Feedback from Massive Black Holes: Outflow of Mass from the Dusty 'Torus' "

Apr 9

Myoungwon Jeon

University of Texas at Austin

"The First Galaxies: Assembly with Black Hole Feedback"

Apr 16

Hyunbae Park

University of Texas at Austin

Qualifying Exam/2nd-Year Defense: "Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect as the Probe of the Reionization Epoch"

Apr 23

Fabian Schmidt

California Institute of Technology

TCC Visiting Speaker: "New Probes of Weak Lensing" (host: Eiichiro Komatsu)

Apr 30

Craig Wheeler

University of Texas at Austin

"How to Make a Type Ia Supernova: Progenitor Evolution and Explosion Mechanism"

Apr 30

Chi-Ting Chiang

University of Texas at Austin

"Sparse Sampling Study"

May 7

Andreas Pawlik

University of Texas at Austin

"The First Dwarf Galaxies: Assembly of Disks and the Start of Reionization"