
Jan 28

"Magnetic Fields on Young Stars and Their Role in Accretion and Disk Locking"
Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Rice University (Tinsley Visitor)

Stellar magnetic fields, including a strong dipole component, are believed to play a critical role in the early evolution of newly formed, low mass stars (T Tauri stars) and their circumstellar accretion disks. It is currently believed that the stellar magnetic field truncates the accretion disk several stellar radii above the star. This action forces accreting material to flow along the field lines and accrete onto the star preferentially at high stellar latitudes. It is also thought that the stellar rotation rate becomes locked to the Keplerian velocity at the radius where the disk is truncated. While less certain, many of these ideas are also believed to occur in intermediate mass youg stars (the Herbig Ae/Be stars) as well. High energy emissions resulting from magnetic activity may also play a role in setting the ionization balance in the disk which is important in both the action of the magneto-rotational instability and determining the thermal and chemical equilibrium of the disk. I will review recent efforts to measure the magnetic field properties of young stars, focussing on how the observations compare with the theoretical expectations. A picture is emerging indicating that quite strong fields do indeed cover essentially the entire surface of T Tauri stars; however, it is not yet clear how strong the dipole component of these stars generally is. The situtation for Herbig Ae/Be stars is less clear. I will also discuss how the observations compare to predictions from models of field generation in these young stars.

Feb 25

"Towards an Understanding of the Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks"
Joanna Brown, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

The inner regions of protoplanetary disks are thought to be the most active regions for planet formation and thus potentially hold the key to understanding the formation of solar systems like our own. Direct spatial imaging is mainly limited to dust observations, which can reveal signs of evolution such as central holes. However, spectroscopic studies can probe gas within regions that are inaccessible to imaging and trace the dominant mass component. CO is a excellent tracer of the gas being both abundant and easily observable. We have used the CRIRES spectrograph on the ESO VLT to obtain high resolution spectra (R~100,000, v=3 km/s) of the 4.7 micron CO v=1-0 fundamental emission band for a large sample (~100) young stars in various stages of evolution from embedded protostars to transition disks, where dust clearing has begun. The emission shows a variety of line profiles indicating complex structure in the inner few AU. Detailed knowledge of dust and gas in the inner regions of disks is a key component needed to determine the evolutionary process of how circumstellar disks transform into planetary systems.

Apr 8

"Structure and Evolution of Exoplanets: from Super-Earths to Super-Jupiters"
Isabelle Baraffe, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

The number of exoplanets newly discovered increases rapidly with time, providing new and sometime puzzling informations about their formation and their structure. In this talk, I will examine our present understanding of the internal structure and evolution of exoplanets.The detection of transiting planets around their parent star allow the determination of their mass and radius, and thus of their mean density. Such valuable information indicates that a significant fraction of these planets are enriched in heavy elements (ice, rocks), as observed in the giant planets of our Solar System. The treatment of heavy materials in planetary interior and the resulting uncertainties on the mass-radius relationship will be discussed. I will also address the case of short-period, strongly irradiated planets and review the different mechanisms, including tidal dissipation, which have been suggested to explain their anomalously large radii.