Astronomy 386S - Fall 2016

Seminar in Extragalactic Astronomy

Th 3:30 · RLM 15.316B · 47620

Steven Finkelstein · RLM 16.210 · (512) 471-1483 · email


Aug. 25 Steven Finkelstein
University of Texas at Austin
Organizational Meeting

Sep. 1 11:00 a.m. this week only
Kelly Lockhart
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii - Manoa
Testing Theories of in situ Star Formation in the Nucleus of M31

Sep. 8 No talk scheduled

Sep. 15 Steve Finkelstein
The University of Texas at Austin
A Semi-empirical Model of Reionization


Sep. 22 No talk scheduled

Sep. 29 No talk scheduled

Oct. 6 Anson D’Aloisio
University of Washington
Probing Cosmological Reionization with the High-redshift Lyman-alpha Forest


Oct. 13 (Talk #1) Jackie Champagne
The University of Texas at Austin
Title: TBA

Oct. 13 (Talk #2) Rebecca Larson
The University of Texas at Austin
A Blind Search for Ly-a Emission from Galaxies at z = 6-8 with Deep HST Grism Spectra


Oct. 20 Marcelo Alvarez
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophyics, University of Toronto
Fundamental Physics with the Next Generation of Large Scale Structure Surveys


Oct. 27 No talk scheduled

Nov. 3 (Talk #1) Kristy McQuinn
The University of Texas at Austin
JWST Science Case: Resolved Stellar Populations


Nov. 3 (Talk #2) Patrick Drew
The University of Texas at Austin
Title: TBA

Nov. 10 Irene Shivaei
University of California, Riverside
A Multi-Wavelength Census of Star Formation and Dust in Galaxies at z ~ 2


Nov. 17 Andreia Carrillo
The University of Texas at Austin
Characterizing dw1335-29, a dwarf galaxy of M83

Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 1 Allison Strom
California Institute of Technology
Star-formation history and chemical enrichment in the early Universe: clues from the rest-UV and rest-optical spectra of high-redshift galaxies
