

S12. Molecules Summary Slides - [pdf]

S13. Review paper by Kutner - [pdf]

S15. John Lacy Seminar (4/3/13) - [pdf]

S14. Slides on H2 - [pdf]

S16. Dust Summary Slides - [pdf]

Course Notes

Current Unit

D. Interstellar Molecules - [pdf]

E. Interstellar Dust



S1. Tables of Constants - [pdf]

S2. Maxwellians Reconsidered - [pdf]

S3. Kappa Distributions - [pdf]

S4. Boltzmann Diagrams - pdf

S5. Atomic Processes [NJE] - [pdf]


Previous Units

  1. Overview: Properties and Phases - [pdf]
    1. Introductory Remarks
    2. Physical Parameters of the ISM
      1. Kinetic Equilibrium/Temperatures
      2. Excitation Equilibrium
      3. Ionization Equilibrium
      4. Interstellar Radiation Field (ISRF)
      5. Three “Canonical” Concepts – [pdf]
    3. Thermal Equilibrium
      1. Heating & Cooling: 2-process model
      2. Modern Menu of Processes
      3. Grain Photoelectric Heating
      4. Cooling Curves & Equation of State – [pdf]
    4. Global Models of the ISM
      1. FGH: The Two-Phase ISM
      2. McKee-Ostriker: Adding a Hot Phase

S6. Ionization Potentials - [pdf]

S7. Solar Abundances - [pdf]

A'. Spectroscopy of the ISM

S8. Useful Formulae - [pdf]

S9. Curve of Growth - [pdf]


B. H I Regions – [pdf]

S10. Summary Pages - [pdf]

S11. H I Line Intensities - [pdf]

C. H II Regions - [pdf]