near north america nebula

Baby Stars Near the North America Nebula (Spitzer)

Astronomy 383T - Fall 2011

Seminar in Stellar Astronomy

W 12:00 · RLM 15.216B · Not for credit in Fall 2011


Chris Sneden

RLM 17.206 · (512) 471-1349 · email





Aug 24

Chris Sneden

University of Texas at Austin

Organizational meeting.

Aug 31

Chris Sneden & Sloane Simmons

University of Texas at Austin

"The Metallicity of Globular Cluster M68 from the Red Giant Branch Tip to the Blue Horizontal Branch"

Sept 7

No talk scheduled.

Sept 14

Barbara Castanheira

University of Texas at Austin

"White Dwarf Stars in the HETDEX Survey"

Sept 21

Don Winget

University of Texas at Austin

"All things White Dwarf: The Current State of Stellar Forensics at UT"

Sept 28

Luca Malavolta

University of Padua, Italy

"The Metallicity of Globular Cluster M4 from Thousands of Main Sequence, Subgiant Branch and Red Giant Branch Stars"

Oct 5

Chris Sneden

University of Texas at Austin

"Torquing the Sr-Yb Abundances in Metal-Poor Halo Stars"

Oct 12

James J. Hermes

University of Texas at Austin

"Recent Work with Low-Mass White Dwarf Stars"

Oct 19

Fritz Benedict

University of Texas at Austin

"The Exoplanet Host Stars XO-3 and gamma Cep - We're Astrometry and We're Here to Help"

Oct 26

Casey Deen

University of Texas at Austin

PhD Defense Presentation: "An Investigation of the Physical Parameters of Young Stellar Objects"

Nov 2

No talk scheduled.

Nov 9

No talk scheduled.

Nov 16

Mike Montgomery

University of Texas at Austin

"Extremely Low-mass White Dwarfs: Halfway to the Main Sequence"

Nov 23

Wednesday before Thanksgiving. No talk scheduled.

Nov 30

Julie Ann Krugler Hollek

University of Texas at Austin

"Work in Progress: HE 0414-0343 CEMP Star with N-capture Enhancement"