Conference on Modern Astronomy

Fall 2004     Unique No. 47940   |   Weds. 2 - 3 PM   |   RLM 15.216A (Edmonds Lounge)


Harriet Dinerstein, Professor
Office: RLM 16.324
Phone: 471-3449
Email: harriet@astro.as.utexas.edu

Course Website

Philosophy of this course
AST 185C is a professional development seminar tailored for incoming graduate students in the UT Astronomy Ph.D. program. It is intended to complement offerings related to professional skills and career development by UT's Graduate School, providing a field-specific introduction to the culture, norms, and practices of astronomers.

We will survey the research activities at UT Austin in the areas of solar system, interstellar, extragalactic, stellar, and theoretical astronomy, to orient you to our department and help you choose an initial research advisor and project. In addition we will discuss broader issues such as: What does it really take to succeed in graduate school and beyond? What are the prospects of finding a job, what kind of jobs are available, and how does one prepare for various career paths? My goal is to introduce you to folks at different stages of their careers, who have had a variety of experiences and provide a broad range of opinions and perspectives. Several class sessions will require some advance preparation (one round of short oral presentations and an occasional short survey or a little reading), but most of the time you'll come just to listen and ask questions.

What is expected of you in this class?
To attend regularly (except in case of illness or, for example, an observing run), and participate in class discussions and activities.

Books, Resources
A couple of relevant (but not very recent) books are:

1. "A Ph.D. is Not Enough! A Guide to Survival in Science," Peter J. Feibelman (1993), Addison-Wesley paperback.
2. "To Boldly Go: A Practical Career Guide for Scientists," Peter S. Fiske (1996), American Geophysical Union.

These used to live on a shelf labelled "Careers," Peridier library, but recently the library has been undergoing drastic reorganization, so these materials may have migrated elsewhere. I also kept a looseleaf notebook for Ast 185C there, and notebooks on resources for teaching and writing proposals. These days, there is a lot of material available on such topics on the Web. The AAS (American Astronomical Society) "Career Services" web pages are a good starting point, see http://www.aas.org/career/index.htm.


Topics for discussion in Ast 185C

1. Introduction to research at Texas:

  • overview of the research facilities of McDonald Observatory
  • overview of research activities at Texas, summarized by areas

2. Survival and success in the UT Astronomy program:

  • the official program: A to Z, reviewed by the graduate advisor & graduate cooordinator
  • perspectives from several graduate students in their third year and beyond

3. Survival and success in an astronomy career:

  • statistics on the current job market in astronomy & how UT grads have fared (see https://www.as.utexas.edu/astronomy/people/dinerstein/talk.html for a not-quite-up-to-date summary)
  • how to get yourself and your work known, job hunting strategies; advice from our post docs
  • grantsmanship, professional norms, & ethical issues
  • non-academic careers, primarily "industry," contrctors, soft-money, and observatory support

4. Professional and communication skills:

  • we will practice giving short oral presentations on research papers, before you are likely to have to do this in a regular graduate seminar or formal class
  • discuss what goes on during the peer review process for journal articles & grant proposals


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20 August 2004
UT Astronomy Program • The University of Texas at Austin • Austin, Texas 78712
prospective student inquiries to: studentinfo@astro.as.utexas.edu
web site comments to: www@www.as.utexas.edu