The lmap series: more modern bash scripts
Updated: Oct20,2020

lmap_markII, is a second generation of a a code used for viewing LRS2 spectra and the corresponding spatial image from a single LRS2 channel for a given observation (obs) and exposure (exp). In the course of re-writing a lot of the parts for this I began to use many of the properties of bas scripts that I had resisted for years. I still don't like scripts with tons of optional flags, but a few optional flags, especially for things like viwing help or supplemental information can be really useful. I began to use internal functions and write scripts like config_val_get that enable me to more use default parameter values but also to easily use custom values via a configuration file. The purpose of this doc is to summarize some of these scripst and discuss some of these new programming aspects.

For now, I simply note that lmap_peaker is a single bash script that uses nearly all of these new practices. I'll resist making a big dump of the code here.Rahter, I note that you can view the code anytime with:
% <cd $codes/bash   <# Gets you to the directory holding my insane number of scripts 
% <cat lmap_peaker 

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