New Horizons in Astronomy new horizons in astronomy university of texas at austin astronomy program

This year's conference is October 9-11, 2011

Photos of Bash Symposium 2009

The University of Texas Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory will be hosting the third biennial Frank N. Bash Symposium on the topic of New Horizons in Astronomy, October 18-20, 2009. This meeting will bring together young researchers at the cutting edge of astronomy and astrophysics, to promote the exchange of research ideas and visions for the future of astronomy. The symposium will focus on invited review talks, and will include discussions and contributed poster papers from postdocs and graduate students.

The Frank N. Bash Symposium 2009 is made possible by the generous contributions of The University of Texas at Austin McDonald Observatory and Department of Astronomy Board of Visitors.

Registration deadline: October 2.

Proceedings will be published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific


If you have questions about Bash Symposium 2009, please contact us at:

Scientific Organizing Committee

Remco van den Bosch, chair
Yi Mao
Timur Sahin
Peter Yoachim
Lei Hao
Tom Barnes

Local Organizing Committee

Peter Yoachim, chair
Timur Sahin
Laura Stanford
Remco van den Bosch
Amanda Bayless (grad)
Jeremy Murphy (grad)
Monica Kidd


Laura Stanford, chair
Lei Hao
Yi Mao
Joel Green

frank n. bash Frank Bash
Frank N. Bash, Ph.D., served as director of McDonald Observatory from 1989-2003. A native of Medford, Oregon, Bash earned his bachelor's degree from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon; his master's degree in astronomy from Harvard University; and his doctorate from the University of Virginia. A well-known and widely published specialist in radio astronomy, Dr. Bash's research interests include large-scale formation processes in spiral galaxies. Dr. Bash joined the faculty of the University of Texas at Austin in 1969. Serving as Chairman of the Astronomy Department from 1982 through 1986, in 1985 he was named the Frank N. Edmonds Regents Professor. Among numerous awards for quality teaching, he was named to the teaching excellence Hall of Fame at UT Austin in 1984. As Director of McDonald, Dr. Bash led the effort for design, funding, and construction of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Dr. Bash also led the effort to expand the public-outreach programs of the Observatory. These programs include the Observatory's Visitors Center, which hosts over 130,000 visitors per year, and StarDate radio, which reaches millions of people each day in English, Spanish, and German.