ngc 4372

NGC 4372 and the Dark Doodad [Ivan Eder]

Astronomy 383T - Spring 2014

Seminar in Stellar Astronomy

W 12:00 · RLM 15.216B · 48785


Harriet Dinerstein

RLM 16.324 · (512) 471-3449 · email






Jan 15

Harriet Dinerstein

University of Texas at Austin

Organizational meeting.


Jan 22

Chris Sneden

University of Texas at Austin

"NGC 6791: An Old Open Cluster or a Wimpy Globular Cluster?"


Jan 29

Harriet Dinerstein

University of Texas at Austin

"Highlights of the Stellar Plenary Talks at the January 2014 AAS Meeting"

I will review several talks on stellar topics at the 223rd AAS meeting in early January, and the work on which they were based. These included Ken Freeman's Henry Norris Russell Lecture on "galactic archeology," Rosemary Wyse's review of thick and thin disks in spiral galaxies, Jason Kalirai's Pierce Prize talk on white dwarfs, and Armin Rest's talk on fossil spectra of historical stellar outbursts as seen via light echoes.



Feb 5

Ivan Ramirez

University of Texas at Austin

"Searching for our Sun's Long-lost Siblings"



Feb 12

Thomas Gomez

University of Texas at Austin

"White Dwarf Spectroscopy: Line Broadening, Asymmetries, Pseudo-Continua, Hot DQs in the lab"


Feb 19

Jeffrey Silverman

University of Texas at Austin

"High-Velocity Features in the Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae"


Feb 26

No talk scheduled.


Mar 5

Jens Adamczak

University of Texas at Austin

"Searching for the Progenitors of Weak G-Band Stars: C, O, and Li Abundances across the Hertzsprung Gap"


Mar 12

Spring Break: March 10-14. No talk scheduled.


Mar 19

No talk scheduled.


Mar 26

Julie Hollek

University of Texas at Austin

"Preliminary Results from an HET Survey for Metal-Poor Stars, and the Origins of CEMP (Carbon-enhanced metal-poor) Stars"


Apr 2

Marc Schaeuble

University of Texas at Austin

"Post main sequence stars in NGC 4590 (M68)"


Apr 9

(1) Kevin Gullikson
(2) Sam Harrold

University of Texas at Austin

(1) "TelFit: A Code to Fit the Telluric Absorption in Astronomical Spectra"
(2) "A Datamining Demo"


Apr 16

(1) Keaton Bell
(2) Kevin Jumper

University of Texas at Austin

(1) "White Dwarf Science from LSST"
(2) "The Asteroseismology of Metal-Polluted DAVs (DAZVs)"


Apr 23

Michel Breger and Mike Montgomery

University of Texas at Austin

joint talk: "First Detection of Resonant Mode Coupling in a Rapidly Rotating Star, and its Implications"


Apr 30

(1) Chris Sneden
(2) Gamze Bocek Topcu

University of Texas at Austin and Ege University, Turkey

(1) "Updates on Atomic and Molecular Data for Spectroscopy"
(2) "Light Element Abundances for Red Giants in Open Cluster NGC 752"