Colloquia Schedule Fall 2016

Colloquia are on Tuesdays (unless otherwise indicated) at 3:30 pm in RLM 15.216B

Aug. 30

Setting Stellar Chronometers: The PTF(+) Open Cluster Survey


Marcel Agueros

Columbia University

host: Adam Kraus

Sep. 6

Exploring Galaxy Formation in the Epoch of Reionisation


Stephen Wilkins

University of Sussex

host: Steve Finkelstein

Sep. 13

The Milky Way Laboratory


Cara Battersby

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

host: Neal Evans

Sep. 20

No talk scheduled

Sep. 27

Spin and Magnetism in Cool Stars


Elisabeth Newton

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

host: Andrew Mann

Oct. 4

A Story of Stellar Nurseries


Nia Imara

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

host: Caitlin Casey

Oct. 11

Network Cosmology: What can we learn from galaxy Facebook?
Sungryong Hong

Comet Update!
Adam McKay

The Fossil Record of Binary and Planetary Orbits
Trent Dupuy

UT Postdocs (Three talks)

Oct. 18

Formation and Compositions of Planet Interiors and Atmospheres: Discoveries from Kepler, K2, and beyond


Erik Petigura

California Institute of Technology

host: Brendan Bowler

Oct. 25

The Future of Exoplanet Science at McDonald Observatory


Paul Robertson

Penn State University

host: Greg Mace

Nov. 1

Building Supermassive Black Hole Binaries


Kelly Holley-Bockelmann

Vanderbilt University

host: Craig Wheeler/Eva Noyola

Nov. 8

Towards the Characterization of Potentially Habitable Planets with High Resolution Spectroscopy

Small exoplanets orbiting small stars are the most common outcome of planet formation. Their occurrence is so high, in fact, that the closest rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent stars might well be "around the corner" in astronomical terms, as the recent discovery of Proxima Cen b demonstrates. Terrestrial exoplanets orbiting stars cooler and less massive than the Sun will be the prime targets for atmospheric characterization and the search of potential biomarkers in the near future. This because the planet/star signal ratio is sensibly increased compared to an Earth-Sun twin. In this talk I will present a relatively recent and novel technique to observe exoplanet atmospheres based on the use of high dispersion spectroscopy (HDS). I will review past successes in characterizing giant planets, among which are the first detections of the atmospheres of non-transiting planets and the first measurements of exoplanet rotation. I will show how HDS will be used in the near future to characterize hundreds of exoplanets, including those found by TESS, and eventually combined with high-contrast imaging to hunt for biomarkers, with a particular focus on terrestrial planets orbiting M-dwarfs such as Proxima Cen b.


Matteo Brogi

University of Colorado Boulder

host: Dan Jaffe

Nov. 15

Controlling Star Formation: From Clouds to Galaxies


Eve Ostriker

Princeton University

host: Volker Bromm

Nov. 22

Drilling the Chicxulub Impact Structure: Study of large impact formation and effects on life


Sean Gulick

The University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics

host: Bill Cochran

Nov. 29

Dust-obscured star formation at the Cosmic Frontier : New observations from the Large Millimeter Telescope


Alexandra Pope

University of Massachusetts Amherst

host: Caitlin Casey

Dec. 6

Moving Near Field Cosmology Beyond the Local Group


David Sand

Texas Tech University

host: Kristy McQuinn

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