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department of astronomy
mcdonald observatory
hobby-eberly telescope
university of texas
AST 381S





The Formation of the First Stars and Galaxies
-Thomas Greif, Univ. of Heidelberg

Understanding the formation and properties of the first stars and galaxies is one of the main challenges in modern cosmology. In this talk I briefly review the formation process of the very first stars, followed by a discussion of their radiative and chemical feedback and their impact on subsequent stellar generations. I present numerical simulations with respect to the evolution of HII regions, supernova explosions and the emergence of the first galaxies. A great deal of interesting physics becomes important with the onset of galaxy formation, with turbulence and metal-enrichment being only two effects that create a highly complicated, multi-phase insterstellar medium.


28 May 2008
Astronomy Program · The University of Texas at Austin · Austin, Texas 78712
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