Schedule of Topics & Readings (Last update: 17 November 2015)

Dates Topics in ch... pages End-of-chapter Questions
8/27, 9/1 Introduction; Big Picture ch. 1 2-6; 14-19 2, 3, 20, 30
9/3, 8, 10 Sky Phenomena: Sun, Moon, Eclipses, Planets ch. 2 25-49 (all) 4, 6, 12, 13, 14, 24, 26, 30
9/8, 10, 15 Celestial Coordinates,
Annual Solar Motion
ch. S1 84-86; 90-100 1b, 1d, 7, 8, 13 27, 30
9/15, 17 From Greeks to Kepler ch. 3 61-70 7, 8, 9, 25, 28, 29
9/17, 22 Newton’s Gravity ch. 4 111-133 (all) 1, 5, 9, 11, 33, 42
9/24, 29 Properties of Light ch. 5 138-161 (all) 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 43
10/1 Exam 1 ch. 1-4, S 1 pages above  
10/6 Telescopes, Techniques ch. 6 166-183 3,4,9,28,31,32
10/8 Overview & Origin of the Solar System ch. 7, 8 191-206, 215-225 [7] 6,9,10 [8] 4,7,12
10/13, 15 Other Planetary Systems ch. 13 367-391 5,6,9,28,31,34
10/20 Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets ch. 10 270-275, 289-302 4,5,19,36,38,40
10/22 Moons and Small Bodies of the Solar System ch. 11, 12 320-329, 340-361 [11] 10,11 [12] 3,5,8,10
10/27 Exam 2 chs. 5-8, 10-13 specific pages listed above  
10/29 The Sun ch. 14 465-480 1,2,6,10,12,14
11/3, 5 Properties of Stars ch. 15 487-507 (all) 3,5,6,9,12,17
11/10, 12 Lives of the Stars ch. 17 524-26 (in ch. 16); 533-47 3,8,11,12,15 (ch. 17)
11/12, 17 Compact Stars (Endpoints) ch. 18 556-68 2,8,13,25,28
11/17 The Milky Way ch. 19 579-82; 590-96 1,3,4,5,10
11/19 Galaxies & the Expanding Universe ch. 20 602-19 (all) 2,8,10,15,32,35