Hi Rob, Best wishes to you for the New Year. A quick update on issues we discussed earlier. 1) We had discussed a collaboration whereby I would help get submm intereferometric data for SING targets with SMA. It is of course clear that this program would work best if I was at the CfA. as those closely involved with SMA would likely get to do first science in testing mode. I had talked to Paul Ho, the SMA project scientist about potential projets. Right now I have applied for a Clay Fellowship, SIRTF fellowship and SMA postdoc position and I have to see what happens. Another option is for me to be bassed somewhere else and still apply for observing time in collab with you when there is a call for proposals. This may mean getting data more slowly than if I were at the SMA, but it may be worth a shot. 2) Single dish submm fluxes I think in preparation for SMA it would be good to get sinlge dish submm data for SINGS targets. If no one is doing this yet, I would like to look into this. Do you have a prioritized list for SINGS target for which you want submm-complete SEDS? If these are to be used as template for high Z systems, they have to be *representative*. Thus it may even be good to include in submm sample, in addition to SINGS targets, some more dusty mergers and ULIRGs. 3) OVRO data As I mentioned earlier, there is little overlap between SINGS and our OVRO survey MAIN (Molecular Gas in Active and Inactive Nuclei). There are about 10 galaxies including 3351, 4321, 4536, 4569, 4736, 5033, 6946 + a few archival for which we could bring 2" multiple line transitions CO 1--0, 2--1, HCN 1--0 . But this is not a substantial contribution. If you are interested in high resolution observations for a sub-sample which you are not following up with BIMA/SONG team we could propose at OVRO on Jan 15 and start to get the data for a few. I am at AAS and we could discuss this if you make a priority list. 4) Regarding jobs I am on the STScI shortlist for a tenure track faculty position, but even if I get it, it is 50% support 50% research. I think it may perhaps be better for me to have a 100% research positions right now so I can get a lot of good science done in next few years. From being at OVRO, I know that technical support work can in peak periods take 80% of one's time. So I would like to also apply for good postdoctoral positions and high on the list, is the one you mentioned you are offering. I know there will be a lot of applicants, but I hope you will consider my application which I will send shortly. I am conducting large survey projects which require completion before they can be published. Thus while I have adequate conference proceedings showing results, I do not have a long list of journal papers. I am focusing on finishing up papers in next 6 months, so this will improve. I attach a paper I submitted to ApJL yesterday. The second paper (II) is to follow shortly and the preprint is available for review. Best Regards, Shardha