(1a) Radiative Shocks and Hydrogen Molecules in Pregalactic Gas: The Effects of Postshock Radiation

Kang and Shapiro (1992) generalized and substantially improved their previous calculations of radiative shocks in pregalactic gas. They solved the hydrodynamical conservation equations, along with the rate equations for nonequilibrium ionization, recombination, and molecule formation and the equation of radiative transfer, for steady state shocks in a gas of primordial composition. Such shocks waves are relevant to a wide range of theories of galaxy and primordial star formation. These calculations self-consistently included the effects of the diffuse post-shock emission as well as a possible external radiation flux on the postshock flow and the preshock ionization levels. They confirmed the previous result by Shapiro and Kang (1987), which had not taken account of the diffuse flux, that the shocked gas cools faster than it can recombine and, as a result, is able to form an H_2 concentration as high as 10^-3 via the formation of H- and H_2+ intermediaries due to the enhanced nonequilibrium ionization fraction at 10^4K. With such an H_2 concentration, the gas cools by rotational-vibrational line excitation of H_2 molecules to well below the canonical final temperature of 10^4K for a molecule-free gas without metals. This cooling below 10^4K significantly lowers the characteristic gravitational fragment mass estimated for shocks relative to the value if the gas cooling stops at 10^4K. If H_2 cools the postshock gas from 10^4K to 10^2K, for example, this lowers the fragment mass by the square of the temperature ratio, a factor of 10^4! These calculations showed that, as the level of the external radiation flux is increased, the formation of and cooling by H_2 molecules can be inhibited and delayed. Finally, the detailed radiation spectra and ionizing photon number fluxes emergent form these shocks were presented.

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