Climbing Gray's Peak (14,270 ft)

Arapaho National Forest
Colorado Rockies
In early June 1999 I visited my friend Rick in Denver, Colorado and (of course) we hiked up one of the 'Fourteeners' (peaks higher than 14,000 feet). It was a beautiful spring day and an easy snow hike up to the summit of Gray's Peak:

(Click on the thumbnails for the larger images.)

The approach: Gray's peak (14,270 ft) is visible in the background to the left while Torrey's Peak (14,267 ft) is located to the right.

Getting closer. From here the path turns a little to the right and leads up behind the rocky ridge in the middle of the picture. Gray's Peak and Torrey's Peak again in the background.

Now behind the rocky ridge, making our way in the snow...

Closer to the top the terrain is getting steeper...

The summit pictures. In the background you can see the Colorado Rockies stretching from the South to the North.

- Literature:
Louis W. Dawson II, "Colorado's Fourteeners - Volume 1 - The Northern Peaks."

- Routefinding:
No problem.

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