Cooper, Our Current Golden

In the two years after Woody passed away we cared for several foster dogs but had no dog of our own. Cooper, too, started as a foster dog for GRR, but we soon decided to adopt him. He is a naturally happy dog and loves all people, taking for his motto "Love the one you're with." Born May 1, 2002, Cooper is in the prime of his life and is the most physical of our three Golden Retrievers. Priscilla says patting him is like patting a fur-covered rock. Happy to be with Priscilla in her studio, he is happiest outdoors.
The first picture shows him with Priscilla in her studio; the second in the snow at Taos, and the third shows him on top of Wheeler Peak (13,160 ft, the highest mountain in New Mexico) summer 2005.

Here are some pictures of Cooper from our backpacking trip in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Southern Colarado July 18-20, 2006.

Our destination. The Horn
Lakes basin in the Sangre
de Cristo mountains.

Fitting Cooper's saddle
bags. Taos Mountain
in the background.

Cooper carried everything
he needed, 10 lbs this trip.
He weighs 80 lbs.

Relaxing near our camp site
at 11,700 ft after waking
up the first morning.

King of the mountain;
ruler of all he surveys.

Patrolling his realm. Let
marmots and chipmunks

Three happy campers. You
need a good tent here. It
rains most afternoons.