Request for Services (RFS) at McDonald Observatory

Not for use by those attending Visitors Center hosted programs. Special Viewing Night participants wanting to make Astronomers Lodge reservations should refer to the instructions/links included in the program materials/receipts emailed to you.

Required fields -*



Emergency Contact:

Please provide an emergency contact and phone







*UT or Non-UT?






For non UT: We will send you an invoice within 1 month of your observing run.


**If remote observing, Skip to Telescope to be used below.

*Housing requirements:


**If not paying for your Lodge room with the UT account noted here, you must indicate payment by cash, check or credit card in the checkbox below.





UT-personnel NOT with Astronomy add:


Or, for fee-paid and group visitors:

Mail copy of APS to:

*Arrival on mountain:





*Departure from mountain:





Do you want dinner saved for you on the night of your arrival? 






- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


*Telescope to be used:


Do you need to use the solar port?


If yes, do you need it every day or just the first afternoon?


If yes, what time do you want to set it up?
Please choose a time during normal 8am-5pm business hours.


 Local or remote operation?






 Scheduled observer also attending?



Unless "none" chosen for telescope above, the following is required:









(example: 1x2 means parallel to dispersion x perpendicular to dispersion for spectroscopic observations)








To receive a secondary email confirmation, enter here.