AST 392D Mathematical Techniques in Astronomy

Course Description and Syllabus, Spring 1998

INSTRUCTOR: Edward L. Robinson
Office: RLM 17.318
Telephone: 471-3401
LECTURE TIME: TTh 2:00-3:00 p.m.
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Date Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, by Bevington and Robinson
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to teach the mathematical methods needed by observers to reduce and analyze astronomical data, and by theoreticians to fully understand observations results. The syllabus of the course is heavily conditioned by utility: At the end of the course students will be able to calculate typical astronomical applications of
  • probability and statistics (e.g., error analysis)
  • least squares fits (e.g., fit a function to data)
  • time-series analysis (e.g., signal detection and echo mapping)
  • image analysis (e.g., noise filtering and image reconstruction)
The class grade will be based on regular homeworks and in-class mid-term and final exams.

Course Syllabus

1.Probability and Statistics (4 weeks)
    basic laws of probability
    Bayesian statistics (briefly!)
    probability distributions: binomial, Poisson, Gaussian, and c2
    moments of distributions: mean values and standard deviations
    correlation and covariance; the covariance matrix
    propagation of errors
    sampling theory: weighted means and standard deviations
2.Least Squares (3 weeks)
    maximum likelihood and least squares techniques
    linear least squares
    weighted least squares
    non-linear least squares; optimization methods.
3.Fourier Analysis (3 weeks)
    finite and infinite Fourier series
    Fourier transforms
    the power spectrum
    practical matters: windows, aliasing, noise
4.Univariate Spectral Analysis (2 weeks)
    convolution and the convolution theorem
    autocovariance and autocorrelation functions
    moving average processes and autoregressive processes
    digital filtering
    relation to Fourier transforms
5.Bivariate Spectral Analysis (0.5 week)
    cross correlation functions
    bivariate and moving average processes
6.Maximum Entropy Analysis (1.5 week)
    maximum entropy principle
    applications: MEM spectral analysis and image reconstruction