Astronomy 301
Introduction to Astronomy

Spring 1997 -- MWF 1:00-2:00


OFFICES: RLM 16.332, 16.334

PHONE: 471-1469


HOURS: TTh 1:30-2:30

REVIEW SESSIONS: Th 7:00-8:30 p.m., RLM 15.216B

                    Office:         Hours:

Marcel Bergman      RLM 16.312      W 10-11
Thomas Chang        RLM 13.112
Lara Cross          RLM 16.216      Th 12:30-1:30
Greg Doppman        RLM 16.340      Tu 11-12
Erik Fierce         RLM 16.308      Tu 2-3
Andrew Howell       RLM 16.208
Inese Ivans         RLM 13.112      Th 2-3
Travis Metcalfe     RLM 16.220      M 11-12
Christine Pulliam   RLM 16.307
Pamela Rathburn     RLM 16.310      Th 1-2
Roger Stanley       RLM 16.208      Th 4-5 (grade keeper)
Cyndie Rosenbaum    RLM 16.310      Tu 1:30-2:30
Zhaohui Shang       RLM 16.220      M 2-3
Wanglong Yu         RLM 13.112      F 10-11

Note: Hours may change.  List will be posted on door of RLM 16.334.

Zeilik, ASTRONOMY The Evolving Universe (7th or 8th edition)

No knowledge of science is assumed. We will use elementary algebra, especially in class and on homework.

The emphasis in this course will be on explanations for the phenomena and objects that occur in the Universe and how astronomers learn about them. This is a course for non-science majors, and no knowledge of physics is assumed, but we will discuss physical laws and how astronomers use them to explain their observations.

A homework assignment will be handed out each Friday, due at the end of class the next Friday. Some assignments will involve simple observations of the sky. You may work together on homework, but you must write out your own answers. Duplicate homeworks will not receive credit. Late homeworks will be accepted until one week after the due date for half credit.

Each Friday a set of review questions will be handed out. The following Friday there will be a quiz based on these questions and the homework. There will also be a mid-term and final exam, which will also be based on the weekly review questions. There will be no late quizzes. Late exams will be given only by prior arrangement or if you have a written doctor's note.

Grades will be based on homework (20% of the grade), the weekly quizzes (20%), the mid-term (20%), and the final (40%). We will also give bonus points, which will soften the curve, for handing in comment sheets (see note below). Your lowest quiz and homework scores (one of each) will be dropped.

You are encouraged to study and work on homework assignments with other students, and you are encouraged to get help from the TAs, but you must write out your own answers and make the assigned observations yourself. If you copy another homework or let someone copy yours, both of you will receive zero credit.

This section of AST 301 will be taught differently from other sections in that a group of astronomy graduate students will assist in the teaching. They will attend most of the lectures so we can have small discussion groups during the lecture period. Each week one of them will teach a part of one lecture and one will give an evening help and review session. With about 14 TAs we will be able to have almost continuous office hours to help you with review and homework before it is due. To help us improve, you will be asked to make comments on the graduate student teaching and other aspects of the course, and you will be given bonus credit for these comments.


Week: Reading: Topics:
Jan 13: Ch 1 Introduction, Observations of the Sky
Jan 20: Ch 2 Early Models of the Heavens
Jan 27: Ch 3 Copernicus and Kepler: Heliocentric Models
Feb 3: Ch 4 Galileo and Newton: Physical Models
Feb 10: Ch 5 Atoms and Light
Feb 17: Ch 8 The Earth
Feb 24: Ch 9+10 The Terrestrial Planets
Mar 3: Ch 11+12 The Jovian Planets and the Formation of the Solar System
Mar 10:
Spring Break
Mar 17: Ch 13 The Sun ----------Mar 21: Mid-Term----------
Mar 24: Ch 14 Observations of Stars
Mar 30: Ch 15+16 Formation and Lives of Stars
Apr 7: Ch 17 Deaths of Stars
Apr 14: Ch 18 The Milky Way Galaxy
Apr 21: Ch 19+20 Normal and Active Galaxies
Apr 28: Ch 21 Cosmology and the Big Bang